Not sure where to start?
If you know you want to take action but you're not sure where to start to get the right support, book a free discovery call from the services list below. I purposefully set this appointment for just 20 mins so it won't eat into your day, and it's long enough for me to get a snapshot of where you are at.
A discovery call with me is stress-free, you don't need to prepare anything, just be ready to have an open and honest conversation. When you click request to book you'll see a selection of dates and times based on my availability. Select an available slot and when you send your request and I confirm it you'll be sent a Zoom link for the date and time you've selected.
Ready to book?
If you know what you want and you're ready to book, then simply click below to request the service you would like. I'll confirm your booking within 24 hours.
Book in with me
20 min
1 hr
99 British pounds- Available Online
An in-depth intuitive card reading session to give you support and guidance
1 hr
75 British pounds 30 min
45 British pounds